Changes to NS Tariffs for Car Storage and Improperly Loaded Cars

The NS announced that they are making to their Demurrage, Accessorial and Switching Tariffs effective October 1.  Here is a summary of the changes:

  • NS’ Demurrage and Storage Rules and Charges Tariff, NS 6004-D:  A gradual reduction in Empty Private Car Storage credits from five credits to two over the course of the next 10 months.
  • Accessorial Services Tariff, NS 8002-A:  Consolidating the multiple charges currently incurred for overloads and improperly loaded cars into a single charge.
  • Minor changes to Conditions of Carriage Tariff and the Switching Tariff (NS 8001-A)

NS’s announcement is below:

NS Tariff Announcement 08-01-2017.